Are you craving a natural, low-intervention birth?

If you’re fearful that the Hospital will rob you of the transformative, magical experience you deserve – you’ve come to the right place. 

It is time to flex your 'intuition muscle' and walk into your power

I can help with ... Anxiety Self Advocacy  Confidence High Risk Pregnancy Prenatal Nutrition Pregnancy Support Pain Management Birth Education Lactation Support Pain Management Postpartum Recovery Newborn care Stress Trauma Fertility

Does this resonate?

“I am here to turn up the volume on your inner
voice... now let’s get coaching”
– Coach Lisa
  • Total freakin’ buzz kill 🤦🏻‍♀️

It hurts my heart to hear when beautiful birth memories are tainted by ignorance 👎🏼 or a total lack of regard for mom’s preferences.

Preparing for birth means preparing for afterbirth.

🚨Make sure to share this with a pregnant friend so she has a heads up!!!🚨

Let’s talk about what we DON’T want to see happen:

⏩ Unnecessary fundal massage can be painful and traumatic

⏩ Massage should be reserved for active bleeding or hemorrhage

⏩ When Pitocin is used with active management of the third stage of labor, there is ZERO benefit from the addition of uterine massage

✴️ Optimal cord clamping and delayed cord clamping can be interpreted differently from provider to provider

✴️ If you want to allow the cord to stop pulsing and turn white before it’s cut, speak up!

✴️ If you want your partner to cut the cord, or if you want to cut your own (I did!!) make it known ahead of time

*️⃣ Most newborn procedures can be done on your chest or can wait until after the precious golden hour

Ask to review the specifics of your birth plan with your provider ahead of time. Communicate 🗣️your preferences to your partner, your Doula, and your care team.

Leave no stone 🪨 unturned, Mama!

#birthplan #interventions #birthprep #pregnancycoach #knowyouroptions #knowyourrights #autonomousbirth #buffalobirth #buffalobirthcoach #pregnantmomsofinstagram #empoweredbirthcoaching
  • The mental load 😩 is no joke 

Between the registry 🍼, 
childbirth class,
breastfeeding books 📚 ,
freezer meals 🥘,

When will I sleep? 

40 weeks initially sounded like a lot of time ⏳..

DM me HELP and I’ll share my secret to working smarter, not harder 💪🏾

(and I’ll help you save a ton of 💰in the process!!) 

Don’t let that daunting pregnancy to-do list 📋 suck the JOY out of this journey 

#pregnancy #firsttimemom #pregnantmomsofinstagram #pregnancycoach #registryrehab #calmpregnancy #birthprep #crushyourtodolist✔ #empoweredbirthcoaching
  • Birth holds the power to awaken ✨us 

or bring about real suffering..

It’s 💯 dependent on your MINDSET.

By owning every circumstance without self-blame or blaming someone else, 

we can direct our energy 💫 where we have influence - ourselves and our choices. 

Your epic birth relies solely on YOU,
not your Doula,
not your partner,
not your provider..

Your life isn’t defined by situations- but by the way you 🫵🏽 handle them.

💪🏼Own your choices
💪🏾Break free from victimhood
💪🏿Empower yourself

I’ve got 10 ways to shift your mindset and trust 🧘🏻‍♀️ in yourself.

DM me the word EMPOWERED and I’ll send over my free pregnancy guidebook 📖

#Radicalaccountability #SelfEmpowerment #yourbodyyourbirth  #evidencebasedbirth #birthprep 
#evidencebasedcare #crunchymom
#naturalmama #naturalpregnancy
#naturalbirth #birthcoach 
#empoweredbirth #lowinterventionbirth 
#radicalmotherhood #radicalmama
#pregnancysupport  #fearfreebirth 
#outofhospitalbirth #buffalobirth
#virtualbirthcoach #childbirtheducator 
#boldbirth #firsttimemom
#firsttimemomsofinstragram #empoweredbirthcoaching
  • Grateful to be your Mama 💜 Enzo 

Happy Mothers Day to the women who have, who do, and who will walk this profound path alongside me ✨
  • A love ❤️ letter to the mothers who mothered me,

Birth is the sacred thread connecting us to ancestors
& generations to come 🌙

You better believe I have channeled that energy ✨ every single day of motherhood.

But even before that, I found such comfort in the collective strength 🔥 of these women throughout my pregnancy and as I prepared for my birth.

🩵 My great grandmother kicked her gambling husband out of the house and raised her kids solo 100 years ago- she had freakin’ grit.

💚 My grandmother literally curated the hashtag #nofilter 😋. That woman spoke her truth- unapologetically.

💜 My mother @sqbavisotto moved out of the house and paved her way as a teen. She built a thriving business and ran an efficient AF home for her family. Her sacrifices are not lost on me.

I’m proud of where I came from.
I’m determined to leave a legacy of my own.

Tag the women who made you who you are today in the comments 👇🏽 

Here’s to honoring the women who walked this path before us.

Happy Mothers Day 🫶🏼

#innatewisdom #riteofpassage #motherhoodmantra #pregnancypeace #pregnancypower #empoweredpregnancy #radicalmotherhood #naturalbirth #unmedicatedbirth #motherwarriors #fearfreebirth #anxietyfreebirth
#outofhospitalbirth #physiologicalbirth 
#buffalobirth #buffalopregnancycoach
#buffalodoula #wnydoula 
#pregnancycoach #pregnancysupport 
#virtualbirthcoach #buffalobirthcoach 
#boldbirth #birthprep 
#firsttimemomsofinstragram #empoweredbirthcoaching
  • We should be embarrassed 🙈 

Knowledge is power 💪🏽

Question the norm 🙅🏻‍♀️

Demand woman-centered care 🙌🏼

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter 📥 for reliable, up-to-date, FREE resources and research 

Link to sign up in my bio 🔗
  • A-list, where my mamas at? ✈️

My advice?

➡️Start prioritizing yourself, your needs, and all of the things you want in life now! 

The more you practice caring for you, the mother 🤰🏻- the better your postpartum experience will be. 

Mothers who honor themselves- can show up, can be present ✨, and model a healthy lifestyle for their children. 

There’s power 💪🏽 in setting an example, and taking care of the glue that holds your family together – that’s you!

Check out my blog this week all about baby moons 🌓 and mamamoons 🌙 

Link in bio 🔗

#babymoon #mamamoon #solotrip #pregnantsolotravels #pregnant #pregnancycoach #empoweredbirthcoaching
  • Advanced maternal A$$ 🖕🏽

We all know the whispers🤫 – “advanced maternal age” = potential complications

Most women who conceive after age 35,

go on to have healthy pregnancies and happy babies- read 👏🏽 that 👏🏼again👏🏾

ACOG recommends things like
⏩genetic testing
⏩low-dose aspirin (in some cases)
⏩extra ultrasounds

😝This is where I like to play the risk/reward game..

Instead of increasing interventions, why not first consider ramping up our education?

If you’re planning to have babies later in life-I’m over here cheering 🙌🏼 you on (and I’m on the same journey sister)

Let’s focus on supporting our fertility ✨ in all aspects of our lives

P.S the evidence shows there are plenty of benefits to waiting until you’re ready to have kids 🤰🏻-

*️⃣Better prenatal care-

Studies show older mamas often seek out more thorough care during pregnancy, which can lead to even better outcomes

*️⃣Research suggests having kids later in life might be linked to a longer lifespan. Who knows, maybe it’s the purpose that comes with motherhood 💕

*️⃣Pregnancy after age 35 might be linked to better memory later on. Talk about a mommy brain 🧠 upgrade

The bottom line? Don’t let fear 😱hold you back

✅Get informed
✅Take care of yourself
✅Celebrate what your body is capable of

#pregnancyafter35 #healthypregnancy #informedpregnancy #fertilityjourney #pregnancycoach #fertilitysupport #autonomouspregnancy #lowinterventionbirth #handsoffpregnancy #empoweredbirthcoaching
  • $1,700 for a bassinet? You must be joking 🙃 

I can think of much better ways to spend money 💰 postpartum 

Most of my ideas include services and support 🫶🏼 for the new mother 

Why you ask?

Because when mom is cared for, so is her baby ♥️

Let’s normalize calling out the Snoo for what it is- an expensive, short lived robot 🤖 designed to replace the parents 

Mom needs nutrient dense meals 🥘, a postpartum Doula and a sh*t ton of massages 

Be the friend that buys the massage 💆🏻‍♀️ 

Be the mom that prioritizes her healing 🙌🏼

Check your gift registry off of your to-do list ☑️ 

Comment SNOOPERSTAR for my blog “Registry Sh*t 
List & Hit List-written by a pregnancy coach and mom” 

#registryrehab #postpartumplanning #pregnancycoach #registryexpert #mamafunds #postpartumsupport #notyourmamasregistry #empoweredbirthcoaching
Total freakin’ buzz kill 🤦🏻‍♀️

It hurts my heart to hear when beautiful birth memories are tainted by ignorance 👎🏼 or a total lack of regard for mom’s preferences.

Preparing for birth means preparing for afterbirth.

🚨Make sure to share this with a pregnant friend so she has a heads up!!!🚨

Let’s talk about what we DON’T want to see happen:

⏩ Unnecessary fundal massage can be painful and traumatic

⏩ Massage should be reserved for active bleeding or hemorrhage

⏩ When Pitocin is used with active management of the third stage of labor, there is ZERO benefit from the addition of uterine massage

✴️ Optimal cord clamping and delayed cord clamping can be interpreted differently from provider to provider

✴️ If you want to allow the cord to stop pulsing and turn white before it’s cut, speak up!

✴️ If you want your partner to cut the cord, or if you want to cut your own (I did!!) make it known ahead of time

*️⃣ Most newborn procedures can be done on your chest or can wait until after the precious golden hour

Ask to review the specifics of your birth plan with your provider ahead of time. Communicate 🗣️your preferences to your partner, your Doula, and your care team.

Leave no stone 🪨 unturned, Mama!

#birthplan #interventions #birthprep #pregnancycoach #knowyouroptions #knowyourrights #autonomousbirth #buffalobirth #buffalobirthcoach #pregnantmomsofinstagram #empoweredbirthcoaching
Total freakin’ buzz kill 🤦🏻‍♀️

It hurts my heart to hear when beautiful birth memories are tainted by ignorance 👎🏼 or a total lack of regard for mom’s preferences.

Preparing for birth means preparing for afterbirth.

🚨Make sure to share this with a pregnant friend so she has a heads up!!!🚨

Let’s talk about what we DON’T want to see happen:

⏩ Unnecessary fundal massage can be painful and traumatic

⏩ Massage should be reserved for active bleeding or hemorrhage

⏩ When Pitocin is used with active management of the third stage of labor, there is ZERO benefit from the addition of uterine massage

✴️ Optimal cord clamping and delayed cord clamping can be interpreted differently from provider to provider

✴️ If you want to allow the cord to stop pulsing and turn white before it’s cut, speak up!

✴️ If you want your partner to cut the cord, or if you want to cut your own (I did!!) make it known ahead of time

*️⃣ Most newborn procedures can be done on your chest or can wait until after the precious golden hour

Ask to review the specifics of your birth plan with your provider ahead of time. Communicate 🗣️your preferences to your partner, your Doula, and your care team.

Leave no stone 🪨 unturned, Mama!

#birthplan #interventions #birthprep #pregnancycoach #knowyouroptions #knowyourrights #autonomousbirth #buffalobirth #buffalobirthcoach #pregnantmomsofinstagram #empoweredbirthcoaching
Total freakin’ buzz kill 🤦🏻‍♀️

It hurts my heart to hear when beautiful birth memories are tainted by ignorance 👎🏼 or a total lack of regard for mom’s preferences.

Preparing for birth means preparing for afterbirth.

🚨Make sure to share this with a pregnant friend so she has a heads up!!!🚨

Let’s talk about what we DON’T want to see happen:

⏩ Unnecessary fundal massage can be painful and traumatic

⏩ Massage should be reserved for active bleeding or hemorrhage

⏩ When Pitocin is used with active management of the third stage of labor, there is ZERO benefit from the addition of uterine massage

✴️ Optimal cord clamping and delayed cord clamping can be interpreted differently from provider to provider

✴️ If you want to allow the cord to stop pulsing and turn white before it’s cut, speak up!

✴️ If you want your partner to cut the cord, or if you want to cut your own (I did!!) make it known ahead of time

*️⃣ Most newborn procedures can be done on your chest or can wait until after the precious golden hour

Ask to review the specifics of your birth plan with your provider ahead of time. Communicate 🗣️your preferences to your partner, your Doula, and your care team.

Leave no stone 🪨 unturned, Mama!

#birthplan #interventions #birthprep #pregnancycoach #knowyouroptions #knowyourrights #autonomousbirth #buffalobirth #buffalobirthcoach #pregnantmomsofinstagram #empoweredbirthcoaching
Total freakin’ buzz kill 🤦🏻‍♀️

It hurts my heart to hear when beautiful birth memories are tainted by ignorance 👎🏼 or a total lack of regard for mom’s preferences.

Preparing for birth means preparing for afterbirth.

🚨Make sure to share this with a pregnant friend so she has a heads up!!!🚨

Let’s talk about what we DON’T want to see happen:

⏩ Unnecessary fundal massage can be painful and traumatic

⏩ Massage should be reserved for active bleeding or hemorrhage

⏩ When Pitocin is used with active management of the third stage of labor, there is ZERO benefit from the addition of uterine massage

✴️ Optimal cord clamping and delayed cord clamping can be interpreted differently from provider to provider

✴️ If you want to allow the cord to stop pulsing and turn white before it’s cut, speak up!

✴️ If you want your partner to cut the cord, or if you want to cut your own (I did!!) make it known ahead of time

*️⃣ Most newborn procedures can be done on your chest or can wait until after the precious golden hour

Ask to review the specifics of your birth plan with your provider ahead of time. Communicate 🗣️your preferences to your partner, your Doula, and your care team.

Leave no stone 🪨 unturned, Mama!

#birthplan #interventions #birthprep #pregnancycoach #knowyouroptions #knowyourrights #autonomousbirth #buffalobirth #buffalobirthcoach #pregnantmomsofinstagram #empoweredbirthcoaching
Total freakin’ buzz kill 🤦🏻‍♀️

It hurts my heart to hear when beautiful birth memories are tainted by ignorance 👎🏼 or a total lack of regard for mom’s preferences.

Preparing for birth means preparing for afterbirth.

🚨Make sure to share this with a pregnant friend so she has a heads up!!!🚨

Let’s talk about what we DON’T want to see happen:

⏩ Unnecessary fundal massage can be painful and traumatic

⏩ Massage should be reserved for active bleeding or hemorrhage

⏩ When Pitocin is used with active management of the third stage of labor, there is ZERO benefit from the addition of uterine massage

✴️ Optimal cord clamping and delayed cord clamping can be interpreted differently from provider to provider

✴️ If you want to allow the cord to stop pulsing and turn white before it’s cut, speak up!

✴️ If you want your partner to cut the cord, or if you want to cut your own (I did!!) make it known ahead of time

*️⃣ Most newborn procedures can be done on your chest or can wait until after the precious golden hour

Ask to review the specifics of your birth plan with your provider ahead of time. Communicate 🗣️your preferences to your partner, your Doula, and your care team.

Leave no stone 🪨 unturned, Mama!

#birthplan #interventions #birthprep #pregnancycoach #knowyouroptions #knowyourrights #autonomousbirth #buffalobirth #buffalobirthcoach #pregnantmomsofinstagram #empoweredbirthcoaching
Total freakin’ buzz kill 🤦🏻‍♀️

It hurts my heart to hear when beautiful birth memories are tainted by ignorance 👎🏼 or a total lack of regard for mom’s preferences.

Preparing for birth means preparing for afterbirth.

🚨Make sure to share this with a pregnant friend so she has a heads up!!!🚨

Let’s talk about what we DON’T want to see happen:

⏩ Unnecessary fundal massage can be painful and traumatic

⏩ Massage should be reserved for active bleeding or hemorrhage

⏩ When Pitocin is used with active management of the third stage of labor, there is ZERO benefit from the addition of uterine massage

✴️ Optimal cord clamping and delayed cord clamping can be interpreted differently from provider to provider

✴️ If you want to allow the cord to stop pulsing and turn white before it’s cut, speak up!

✴️ If you want your partner to cut the cord, or if you want to cut your own (I did!!) make it known ahead of time

*️⃣ Most newborn procedures can be done on your chest or can wait until after the precious golden hour

Ask to review the specifics of your birth plan with your provider ahead of time. Communicate 🗣️your preferences to your partner, your Doula, and your care team.

Leave no stone 🪨 unturned, Mama!

#birthplan #interventions #birthprep #pregnancycoach #knowyouroptions #knowyourrights #autonomousbirth #buffalobirth #buffalobirthcoach #pregnantmomsofinstagram #empoweredbirthcoaching
Total freakin’ buzz kill 🤦🏻‍♀️ It hurts my heart to hear when beautiful birth memories are tainted by ignorance 👎🏼 or a total lack of regard for mom’s preferences. Preparing for birth means preparing for afterbirth. 🚨Make sure to share this with a pregnant friend so she has a heads up!!!🚨 Let’s talk about what we DON’T want to see happen: ⏩ Unnecessary fundal massage can be painful and traumatic ⏩ Massage should be reserved for active bleeding or hemorrhage ⏩ When Pitocin is used with active management of the third stage of labor, there is ZERO benefit from the addition of uterine massage ✴️ Optimal cord clamping and delayed cord clamping can be interpreted differently from provider to provider ✴️ If you want to allow the cord to stop pulsing and turn white before it’s cut, speak up! ✴️ If you want your partner to cut the cord, or if you want to cut your own (I did!!) make it known ahead of time *️⃣ Most newborn procedures can be done on your chest or can wait until after the precious golden hour Ask to review the specifics of your birth plan with your provider ahead of time. Communicate 🗣️your preferences to your partner, your Doula, and your care team. Leave no stone 🪨 unturned, Mama! #birthplan #interventions #birthprep #pregnancycoach #knowyouroptions #knowyourrights #autonomousbirth #buffalobirth #buffalobirthcoach #pregnantmomsofinstagram #empoweredbirthcoaching
1 day ago
View on Instagram |
The mental load 😩 is no joke Between the registry 🍼, nursery, childbirth class, breastfeeding books 📚 , freezer meals 🥘, 🌗babymoon, When will I sleep? 40 weeks initially sounded like a lot of time ⏳.. DM me HELP and I’ll share my secret to working smarter, not harder 💪🏾 (and I’ll help you save a ton of 💰in the process!!) Don’t let that daunting pregnancy to-do list 📋 suck the JOY out of this journey #pregnancy #firsttimemom #pregnantmomsofinstagram #pregnancycoach #registryrehab #calmpregnancy #birthprep #crushyourtodolist✔ #empoweredbirthcoaching
2 days ago
View on Instagram |
Birth holds the power to awaken ✨us 

or bring about real suffering..

It’s 💯 dependent on your MINDSET.

By owning every circumstance without self-blame or blaming someone else, 

we can direct our energy 💫 where we have influence - ourselves and our choices. 

Your epic birth relies solely on YOU,
not your Doula,
not your partner,
not your provider..

Your life isn’t defined by situations- but by the way you 🫵🏽 handle them.

💪🏼Own your choices
💪🏾Break free from victimhood
💪🏿Empower yourself

I’ve got 10 ways to shift your mindset and trust 🧘🏻‍♀️ in yourself.

DM me the word EMPOWERED and I’ll send over my free pregnancy guidebook 📖

#Radicalaccountability #SelfEmpowerment #yourbodyyourbirth  #evidencebasedbirth #birthprep 
#evidencebasedcare #crunchymom
#naturalmama #naturalpregnancy
#naturalbirth #birthcoach 
#empoweredbirth #lowinterventionbirth 
#radicalmotherhood #radicalmama
#pregnancysupport  #fearfreebirth 
#outofhospitalbirth #buffalobirth
#virtualbirthcoach #childbirtheducator 
#boldbirth #firsttimemom
#firsttimemomsofinstragram #empoweredbirthcoaching
Birth holds the power to awaken ✨us or bring about real suffering.. It’s 💯 dependent on your MINDSET. By owning every circumstance without self-blame or blaming someone else, we can direct our energy 💫 where we have influence - ourselves and our choices. Your epic birth relies solely on YOU, not your Doula, not your partner, not your provider.. Your life isn’t defined by situations- but by the way you 🫵🏽 handle them. 💪🏼Own your choices 💪🏾Break free from victimhood 💪🏿Empower yourself I’ve got 10 ways to shift your mindset and trust 🧘🏻‍♀️ in yourself. DM me the word EMPOWERED and I’ll send over my free pregnancy guidebook 📖 #Radicalaccountability #SelfEmpowerment #yourbodyyourbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthprep #evidencebasedcare #crunchymom #naturalmama #naturalpregnancy #naturalbirth #birthcoach  #empoweredbirth #lowinterventionbirth  #radicalmotherhood #radicalmama #pregnancysupport  #fearfreebirth  #outofhospitalbirth #buffalobirth #buffalodoula#pregnancycoach  #virtualbirthcoach #childbirtheducator  #boldbirth #firsttimemom #firsttimemomsofinstragram #empoweredbirthcoaching
3 days ago
View on Instagram |
Grateful to be your Mama 💜 Enzo Happy Mothers Day to the women who have, who do, and who will walk this profound path alongside me ✨
4 days ago
View on Instagram |
A love ❤️ letter to the mothers who mothered me,

Birth is the sacred thread connecting us to ancestors
& generations to come 🌙

You better believe I have channeled that energy ✨ every single day of motherhood.

But even before that, I found such comfort in the collective strength 🔥 of these women throughout my pregnancy and as I prepared for my birth.

🩵 My great grandmother kicked her gambling husband out of the house and raised her kids solo 100 years ago- she had freakin’ grit.

💚 My grandmother literally curated the hashtag #nofilter 😋. That woman spoke her truth- unapologetically.

💜 My mother @sqbavisotto moved out of the house and paved her way as a teen. She built a thriving business and ran an efficient AF home for her family. Her sacrifices are not lost on me.

I’m proud of where I came from.
I’m determined to leave a legacy of my own.

Tag the women who made you who you are today in the comments 👇🏽 

Here’s to honoring the women who walked this path before us.

Happy Mothers Day 🫶🏼

#innatewisdom #riteofpassage #motherhoodmantra #pregnancypeace #pregnancypower #empoweredpregnancy #radicalmotherhood #naturalbirth #unmedicatedbirth #motherwarriors #fearfreebirth #anxietyfreebirth
#outofhospitalbirth #physiologicalbirth 
#buffalobirth #buffalopregnancycoach
#buffalodoula #wnydoula 
#pregnancycoach #pregnancysupport 
#virtualbirthcoach #buffalobirthcoach 
#boldbirth #birthprep 
#firsttimemomsofinstragram #empoweredbirthcoaching
A love ❤️ letter to the mothers who mothered me, Birth is the sacred thread connecting us to ancestors & generations to come 🌙 You better believe I have channeled that energy ✨ every single day of motherhood. But even before that, I found such comfort in the collective strength 🔥 of these women throughout my pregnancy and as I prepared for my birth. 🩵 My great grandmother kicked her gambling husband out of the house and raised her kids solo 100 years ago- she had freakin’ grit. 💚 My grandmother literally curated the hashtag #nofilter 😋. That woman spoke her truth- unapologetically. 💜 My mother @sqbavisotto moved out of the house and paved her way as a teen. She built a thriving business and ran an efficient AF home for her family. Her sacrifices are not lost on me. I’m proud of where I came from. I’m determined to leave a legacy of my own. Tag the women who made you who you are today in the comments 👇🏽 Here’s to honoring the women who walked this path before us. Happy Mothers Day 🫶🏼 #innatewisdom #riteofpassage #motherhoodmantra #pregnancypeace #pregnancypower #empoweredpregnancy #radicalmotherhood #naturalbirth #unmedicatedbirth #motherwarriors #fearfreebirth #anxietyfreebirth #outofhospitalbirth #physiologicalbirth  #buffalobirth #buffalopregnancycoach #buffalodoula #wnydoula  #pregnancycoach #pregnancysupport  #virtualbirthcoach #buffalobirthcoach  #childbirtheducator  #boldbirth #birthprep  #firsttimemom #firsttimemomsofinstragram #empoweredbirthcoaching
5 days ago
View on Instagram |
We should be embarrassed 🙈 

Knowledge is power 💪🏽

Question the norm 🙅🏻‍♀️

Demand woman-centered care 🙌🏼

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter 📥 for reliable, up-to-date, FREE resources and research 

Link to sign up in my bio 🔗
We should be embarrassed 🙈 Knowledge is power 💪🏽 Question the norm 🙅🏻‍♀️ Demand woman-centered care 🙌🏼 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter 📥 for reliable, up-to-date, FREE resources and research Link to sign up in my bio 🔗
6 days ago
View on Instagram |
A-list, where my mamas at? ✈️ My advice? ➡️Start prioritizing yourself, your needs, and all of the things you want in life now! The more you practice caring for you, the mother 🤰🏻- the better your postpartum experience will be. Mothers who honor themselves- can show up, can be present ✨, and model a healthy lifestyle for their children. There’s power 💪🏽 in setting an example, and taking care of the glue that holds your family together – that’s you! Check out my blog this week all about baby moons 🌓 and mamamoons 🌙 Link in bio 🔗 #babymoon #mamamoon #solotrip #pregnantsolotravels #pregnant #pregnancycoach #empoweredbirthcoaching
1 week ago
View on Instagram |
Advanced maternal A$$ 🖕🏽

We all know the whispers🤫 – “advanced maternal age” = potential complications

Most women who conceive after age 35,

go on to have healthy pregnancies and happy babies- read 👏🏽 that 👏🏼again👏🏾

ACOG recommends things like
⏩genetic testing
⏩low-dose aspirin (in some cases)
⏩extra ultrasounds

😝This is where I like to play the risk/reward game..

Instead of increasing interventions, why not first consider ramping up our education?

If you’re planning to have babies later in life-I’m over here cheering 🙌🏼 you on (and I’m on the same journey sister)

Let’s focus on supporting our fertility ✨ in all aspects of our lives

P.S the evidence shows there are plenty of benefits to waiting until you’re ready to have kids 🤰🏻-

*️⃣Better prenatal care-

Studies show older mamas often seek out more thorough care during pregnancy, which can lead to even better outcomes

*️⃣Research suggests having kids later in life might be linked to a longer lifespan. Who knows, maybe it’s the purpose that comes with motherhood 💕

*️⃣Pregnancy after age 35 might be linked to better memory later on. Talk about a mommy brain 🧠 upgrade

The bottom line? Don’t let fear 😱hold you back

✅Get informed
✅Take care of yourself
✅Celebrate what your body is capable of

#pregnancyafter35 #healthypregnancy #informedpregnancy #fertilityjourney #pregnancycoach #fertilitysupport #autonomouspregnancy #lowinterventionbirth #handsoffpregnancy #empoweredbirthcoaching
Advanced maternal A$$ 🖕🏽 We all know the whispers🤫 – “advanced maternal age” = potential complications Most women who conceive after age 35, go on to have healthy pregnancies and happy babies- read 👏🏽 that 👏🏼again👏🏾 ACOG recommends things like ⏩genetic testing ⏩low-dose aspirin (in some cases) ⏩extra ultrasounds 😝This is where I like to play the risk/reward game.. Instead of increasing interventions, why not first consider ramping up our education? If you’re planning to have babies later in life-I’m over here cheering 🙌🏼 you on (and I’m on the same journey sister) Let’s focus on supporting our fertility ✨ in all aspects of our lives P.S the evidence shows there are plenty of benefits to waiting until you’re ready to have kids 🤰🏻- *️⃣Better prenatal care- Studies show older mamas often seek out more thorough care during pregnancy, which can lead to even better outcomes *️⃣Research suggests having kids later in life might be linked to a longer lifespan. Who knows, maybe it’s the purpose that comes with motherhood 💕 *️⃣Pregnancy after age 35 might be linked to better memory later on. Talk about a mommy brain 🧠 upgrade The bottom line? Don’t let fear 😱hold you back ✅Get informed ✅Take care of yourself ✅Celebrate what your body is capable of #pregnancyafter35 #healthypregnancy #informedpregnancy #fertilityjourney #pregnancycoach #fertilitysupport #autonomouspregnancy #lowinterventionbirth #handsoffpregnancy #empoweredbirthcoaching
1 week ago
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$1,700 for a bassinet? You must be joking 🙃 

I can think of much better ways to spend money 💰 postpartum 

Most of my ideas include services and support 🫶🏼 for the new mother 

Why you ask?

Because when mom is cared for, so is her baby ♥️

Let’s normalize calling out the Snoo for what it is- an expensive, short lived robot 🤖 designed to replace the parents 

Mom needs nutrient dense meals 🥘, a postpartum Doula and a sh*t ton of massages 

Be the friend that buys the massage 💆🏻‍♀️ 

Be the mom that prioritizes her healing 🙌🏼

Check your gift registry off of your to-do list ☑️ 

Comment SNOOPERSTAR for my blog “Registry Sh*t 
List & Hit List-written by a pregnancy coach and mom” 

#registryrehab #postpartumplanning #pregnancycoach #registryexpert #mamafunds #postpartumsupport #notyourmamasregistry #empoweredbirthcoaching
$1,700 for a bassinet? You must be joking 🙃 I can think of much better ways to spend money 💰 postpartum Most of my ideas include services and support 🫶🏼 for the new mother Why you ask? Because when mom is cared for, so is her baby ♥️ Let’s normalize calling out the Snoo for what it is- an expensive, short lived robot 🤖 designed to replace the parents Mom needs nutrient dense meals 🥘, a postpartum Doula and a sh*t ton of massages Be the friend that buys the massage 💆🏻‍♀️ Be the mom that prioritizes her healing 🙌🏼 Check your gift registry off of your to-do list ☑️ Comment SNOOPERSTAR for my blog “Registry Sh*t List & Hit List-written by a pregnancy coach and mom” #registryrehab #postpartumplanning #pregnancycoach #registryexpert #mamafunds #postpartumsupport #notyourmamasregistry #empoweredbirthcoaching
2 weeks ago
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